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Stop the Endless Searching.
Start Seeing Real Results.

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Hair & Scalp Wellness Evaluation

This session is for you if you are looking to:

  • Stop abnormal hair shedding.

  • Promote new hair growth

  • Want a scientifically backed, personalized hair recovery plan. 

  • Uncover the "why" behind your hair loss

  • Are struggling with one of these known hair loss contributors?: Genetics, Postpartum, Scalp Issues, Medication, Nutrition & Mineral Deficiencies, Hormones & Thyroid, Stress & Styling

Included in this service:​

  • Microscopic look at your hair and scalp.

  • In depth, one-on-one haircare consult

  • Relevent Medical History Assessment

  • Personalized hair growth and maintenance plan, including follow up appointments, products and treatments.

  • Continued Email Support.


In Person Evaluation: $200

Virtual Evaluations are available

(Evaluation Price will be applied towards your personalized treatment plan)

Hair Analysis Testing

This session is for you if you are looking to:

  • Optimize your overall health, targeting your skin, hair, and nails.

  • Find out what nutrients, minerals, or amino acids you are deficient in.

  • Uncover what environmental factors are influencing your hair growth

Included in this service:​

  • Can be a stand alone appointment or added to your hair evaluation.

  • I will pluck 4 hairs from the back of the head to be placed into a scanner that will give us a detailed report of your hair analysis.

  • A personalized report which identifies the specific nutritional and environmental influences for your hair journey.


In person and mail in testing available


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Scalp Detox Facial

This session is for you if you are looking to:

  • Cleanse your scalp of impurities

  • Soothe for scalp from common struggles such as itching, eczema, dry scalp, dandruff, psoriasis, or excess oil.

  • Promote healthy scalp environment for hair growth

  • Remove excess build up or flaking

  • Improve circulation to your scalp and hair

  • Treat yourself to a relaxing experience while improving your hair and scalp health.

Included in this service:​

  • Microscopic look at your hair and scalp.

  • A purifying scalp herbs and clay mask based on your specific scalp needs.

  •  Red or Blue light therapy

  • Extended scalp massage with wash to improve circulation.

  • Deep condition with Hydrating mask for hair strength.

  • Extended scalp oil treatment or blow dry finish.  


90 min Session: $265

60 min (Express/No Blow Dry): $175

Are you ready for real haircare solutions and your healthiest hair yet? 

Here's How to Get Started


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Get to know a little more about me.


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How can I help you? More about Hair Loss Treatments.


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Here's what to expect before your upcoming appointment

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